Rosalia Sanni
Takes an approach that strikes a balance between architecture, nature and people in order to create a meaningful landscape for her clients. Having lived and traveled in various cities in Europe and the U.S., she draws inspiration from diverse experiences and continually keeps her mind open to new ways of thinking that can influence her. Rosalia's work balances respect for tradition with an eye towards the future, and seamlessly integrates into modern day life. Her landscapes relate to the context of the setting, as they explore the intersection of the manmade with nature.
After 15 years of designing for visionary landscape architecture firms, Rosalia launched out on her own in 2014. Rosalia completed her studies in landscape design at the New York Botanical Garden, after earning a B.A. at Tufts University. She also studied landscape architecture at UC Berkeley, and design & art history at Universitá Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy. Prior to becoming a landscape designer, Rosalia led a successful career in advertising.
When not running her business, Rosalia donates her skills and enthusiasm to helping her community connect with nature and the outside world. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Greenwich Community Gardens and is an active member of Greenwich Green Schools and the Design Leadership Network.